Key Takeaways:

  • Mailers provide business owners of all varieties with an opportunity to reach out to existing and new customers with updates, deals, and more
  • Owners looking to implement a direct mail campaign can choose between postcards, brochures, and letterheads
  • Each type of direct mail print media has its pros and cons to consider, and each of them is ideal for sending out a different sort of message

In light of the pandemic and the many challenges that have come with it, business owners have needed to get creative when reaching out to their customer base. Emails are often the go-to option, but with backed-up inboxes and many promotional messages being immediately sorted into spam folders, they’re less than ideal. EDDM postcards and mailers provide small business owners with an excellent alternative to digital connection in a time where face-to-face advertising is difficult at best. Understanding and correctly utilizing mailer services can serve as a crucial, effective way to connect with customers and inform them about products, services, sales, and more.

What’s the Point of Mailers?

So, why should you spend the money to invest in direct mail marketing when you can more quickly and easily go post an advertisement to your brand’s Instagram or other social media platform, especially when most of your customer base seems to be at home and to browse the web? Simply put, a physical piece of direct mail is more likely to be noticed by your target audience. When your customers are online on social media channels, they’re looking for entertainment. Any ad they come across is likely to be swiped past without a second glance. Furthermore, it’s estimated that only around 40 percent of people check their inbox every three days, making an email marketing campaign less than ideal as well. Most people, however, check their mailbox every day, and it’s far less saturated than most social media feeds. When using direct mail marketing, you can at least be sure your advertisement, coupon, or other information you send out is making it into the hands of your target audience, which is a crucial first step to creating a connection and building long-lasting relationships with loyal customers.

Choose the Right Type of Mailer

Before you can reach out to your customers with a successful direct mail marketing campaign, you have to know your options. While Rush Flyers offers a variety of professional-grade prints bearing your brand identity, three main products are typically used as mailers: postcards, brochures, and letterheads. Each of these options has its benefits and drawbacks to consider, and each serves a unique purpose when it comes to reaching out to your customers via your direct mail marketing plan. Familiarize yourself with each option before making your final decision and starting the design process.


Due to their unmatched versatility, postcards are the most popular option for direct mail marketing for businesses across the country and have been for decades. They’re classic but by no means outdated, especially when long-distance advertising is becoming crucial to businesses of all types once again. The main advantage that this medium has over other options for direct mail marketing is its size. They’re compact enough to look neat and trim while fitting into almost any EDDM plan effortlessly but large enough to host any message you’re trying to send to your target audience comfortably and without appearing overcrowded. They’re big enough for you to advertise a new product or service thoroughly but small enough that recipients won’t feel overwhelmed by the amount of information being thrown at them and discard the mail immediately. Postcards hit the sweet spot regarding balancing size, material options, and design opportunities, which is why they’re the go-to option for businesses across all industries.

Some popular uses for postcards in direct mail marketing include:

  • Announcement of a new product or service
  • Advertising existing products and services to new customers
  • Informing existing customers of new deals
  • Sending coupons or digital discount codes
  • Direction to online stores and ecommerce platforms

The truth is, the options are nearly endless with the power of a sleek, well-designed, and professionally printed postcard and a bit of creativity on your side. These are the industry standard for direct mail marketing for a reason, but they certainly aren’t the only option available.


The one downside to postcards is that they’re limited in how much information they can hold while still managing to be accessible and visually appealing. Brochures, however, don’t have such limitations. Their ability to handle a large amount of information in a visually pleasing way makes them an ideal option for businesses that sell products, such as retailers or restaurants. If you’re a retailer, the spread of a small brochure allows you to feature some of your products while giving each piece a background and highlighting your brand’s values. Meanwhile, restaurant owners will find that brochures are the perfect place to highlight their establishment’s best dishes, provide a complete menu summary and even provide your loyal customers with coupons they can bring in for a discount on their next meal or use when ordering online if that’s a service you offer. Unlike basic postcards, brochures all support printing multiple photographs, making it the ideal way to entice customers back to your restaurant for a taste of their favorites.

Understandably, many customers, returning and new alike, are uncertain about returning to their favorite retail stores and restaurants, even with pandemic restrictions being lifted in many states. Brochures provide you with ample space for reassurance. Dedicate a panel of your brochure to highlight what your business is doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 to reassure your community that you’re doing your part. This section is also an ideal space to advertise any take-out or online shopping options you may be offering to support the vulnerable members of your community during these challenging times.


For a more formal approach to direct mail marketing, consider purchasing a personalized letterhead. Though they’re often underrated, customized letterheads are among the most attention-grabbing options for direct mail marketing due to their professional appearance. While they may not be the best option for marketing a menu or a new product at your retail store, letterheads are the ideal direct mail option for clinics, law offices, and more. Letterheads offer a dash of style to messages that require a great deal of text and can create a memorable impression on recipients. Letterheads are also excellent for sending letters of encouragement to customers during hard times or handling customer service issues. Adding splashes of vibrant color and placing your logo front and center creates an eye-catching experience.

Professional Prints for Businesses of All Types

You can find premade templates for postcards, brochures, and letterheads online, but that doesn’t mean you should tackle the design and printing process all on your own. To ensure you’re truly building a successful direct mail campaign that will leave an impact on every customer on your mailing lists and that won’t just be tossed out as junk mail, work with the professionals at Rush Flyers. Our high-end professional printing ensures the images and designs you choose are always crisp and vibrant. Contact the pros today or get a quote on print media supplies for your upcoming direct mail campaign.

Featured Image: Chizhevskaya Ekaterina/Shutterstock